TRT clinic Marlton, NJ - Renew Health Clinic

Overview of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), sometimes called androgen replacement therapy (ART), can provide life-changing benefits for men suffering from low testosterone levels, or hypogonadism. As an authorized Renew Health Clinic located in Marlton, New Jersey, we specialize in effectively diagnosing and treating hormone deficiencies to help patients regain their vitality.

Testosterone is crucial for men's physical and mental health. When the body does not produce enough on its own, supplementing levels through medication can relieve unpleasant low testosterone symptoms. Our experienced medical staff provides cutting-edge testosterone therapies tailored to each patient's needs. We also offer ongoing monitoring and lifestyle support for the best possible treatment results.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is an androgenic sex hormone instrumental in men's development and everyday wellness. The testes and adrenal glands produce testosterone, which plays key roles in:

Healthy testosterone levels lead to improved energy, confidence, strength, endurance, and quality of life. Testosterone replacement therapy can restore normal levels, delivering transformative benefits.

Our Services

Why Get Tested?

Testosterone production peaks in men's late 20s, then gradually declines approximately 1% per year. Lifestyle factors like high stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic conditions can hasten depletion. It is important to get tested if experiencing common low testosterone symptoms:

Left untreated, low testosterone takes an immense toll on health and happiness. We provide convenient testing to uncover hormone imbalances early on when they are most easily corrected.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

The first step in pursuing treatment through our TRT clinic in Marlton, New Jersey, is diagnosing below-normal testosterone levels via blood analysis. Our experienced medical team will review your complete health history and risk factors during an initial consultation before ordering testing if low testosterone is suspected.

Testing Methodology

We utilize advanced testing techniques to obtain the most accurate testosterone measurements possible. This includes assessing total testosterone along with free testosterone – the bioavailable form the body can utilize.

Testosterone levels fluctuate constantly, so at least two early morning blood draws on different days provide the most precise data. We also test other related hormones to gain a complete picture of patients' endocrine health. Our clinic uses only certified laboratories for the highest testing integrity.

Reference Ranges

"Normal" testosterone levels depend partly on age as production naturally decreases over time. Typical ranges are:

Age Range Testosterone Level (ng/dL)
19-39 240-950
40-59 193-745
60 100-590

Results below the reference range merit treatment in symptomatic patients. Borderline or mid-level results with continuing symptoms may also warrant therapy. We help patients understand their unique test results during thorough consultations.

Diagnostic Process

Alongside total and free testosterone blood panels, we test other hormone levels for insights into what factors may contribute to patients' symptoms. Testing may include:

Based on outcomes, we construct individualized treatment plans targeting identified deficiencies and imbalances. We also review lifestyle habits, medical history, genetics, age-related decline, and risk factors that may impact hormone optimization.

Come restore your vitality with testosterone therapy.

Low Testosterone Treatment Options

Once diagnosed with low testosterone, we explore the latest evidence-based treatment options that best fit each patient's health profile during an in-depth medical evaluation. We offer cutting-edge therapies for sustainable testosterone restoration and relief of unpleasant hypogonadism symptoms.


Testosterone injections, or testosterone shots, directly supply the hormone into muscle tissue where it is gradually released into circulation. Injections include testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and testosterone propionate.

Transdermal Gels

Transdermal testosterone gels supply hormones through skin absorption. Products like AndroGel and Testim are frequently prescribed topical treatments.


Adhesive testosterone patches adhere to the skin to continually deliver hormones transdermally. Androderm® is the most widely prescribed.


Testosterone pellets are inserted as a minor procedure under the buttocks skin every 3-6 months to emit steady hormones as they dissolve.

The Treatment Process

Our certified practitioners tailor testosterone therapy based on patients' hormone blood panels plus considerations of lifestyle, age, risk factors, treatment goals, and preference. We provide ongoing oversight for safe, effective supplementation guiding patients to their best health.

Getting Started

Prior to starting, we have an in-depth discussion on patients' symptoms, medical history, test results, treatment expectations, and concerns to craft custom regimens. After choosing modalities, we teach proper administration and supply all required medications. Follow-ups in the subsequent months help optimize therapy.

Follow-Up & Adjustments

Patients undergo follow-up blood tests around 6 weeks after beginning treatment to measure progress. We may tweak dosages or modalities at this stage to achieve ideal testosterone levels and symptom relief based on feedback. Patients then return periodically for assessments and prescription renewals.

Supportive Care

In addition to regulating testosterone treatment, we offer supportive services empowering patients to maximize its benefits. This includes:

The Life-Changing Benefits

Raising testosterone levels transforms health from the inside out. Patients report amazing improvements to energy, mentality, body composition plus sexual health and relationships. Consistent treatment yields cumulative and lasting benefits over time.

Physical Changes

Normalizing testosterone brings dramatic enhancements to athletic ability, physique, and vitality:

With increased strength, fat loss, and energy, patients gain immense confidence to pursue big fitness goals.

Mood & Cognitive Upturns

Many of testosterone's most profound effects center on mentality and mood:

Hormone optimization awakens patients' best qualities and unlocks peak performance.

Sexual Health Impacts

Testosterone is elemental for men's sexual wellbeing regulating libido, performance, and reproduction:

Treatment can completely reinvigorate intimate relationships.

Cumulative Betterment

While some improvement occurs rapidly, testosterone therapy accrues increasing benefits with time. Lasting physiological changes like muscle building and fat loss compound over months of treatment culminating in an unrecognizably fit physique. Mentality gradually elevates as cognition gets sharper, outlook grows more positive, and motivation intensifies.

Rather than a quick fix, TRT facilitates steady and progressive improvements across all facets of health and life. Patients often describe it as "life-changing" as all metrics of wellness measurably heighten.

Come get your vitality back with TRT.

Dedicated to Patients' Success

As an authorized testosterone clinic located in Marlton, NJ, Renew Health Clinic employs advanced diagnostics and innovative therapies helping patients overcome low testosterone. We walk with you through the evaluation, treatment, and lifestyle adjustment processes to achieve amazing transformations.

Why Choose Us?

Men visit our clinic because we offer:

Our practitioners' sole focus is patients' health, happiness, and hormonal optimization. We utilize a collaborative approach understanding your unique needs.

Start Your Treatment Journey

Don't wait to address low testosterone symptoms - the sooner treatment begins, the faster patients feel like themselves again. Renew Health Clinic provides cost-effective, research-backed care plans delivering life-enhancing benefits. Contact us to schedule a consultation!

We look forward to helping you reclaim your zest for life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes low testosterone?

Reasons for declining testosterone include aging, genetics, chronic illnesses, infections, obesity, stress, oxidative damage, toxins, alcohol overuse, and hypothyroidism. Certain medications also deplete testosterone.

What are hypogonadism symptoms?

Common symptoms include low libido, erectile dysfunction, depleted muscle mass, increased body fat, physical weakness, diminished stamina, mental fogginess, irritability, fatigue, thinning hair, hot flashes, insomnia, and depression.

When should I get tested?

Testing is recommended if experiencing multiple or concerning symptoms of hormone imbalance. Annual blood testing in men 35 also assesses declining levels related to aging. Evaluate hormones after major body composition changes.

Which treatments are most effective?

All regulated testosterone formulations effectively raise levels when properly administered. Injections raise levels the most but gels/patches allow steadier daily dosing. Pellet implants provide convenient, long-lasting testosterone delivery. We determine optimal modalities per patient desires.

What results can I expect from TRT?

Most report increased energy, sharper cognition, stabilized mood, heightened libido, improved sexual function, muscle gain, and fat loss. Physical transformation occurs steadily - small changes compound over months. Peak effects seen after consistent, long-term therapy.


Renew Health Clinic in Marlton, New Jersey, provides comprehensive testosterone replacement therapy tailored to each patient's unique needs. Our experienced medical team utilizes advanced diagnostics and cutting-edge treatments to optimize hormone levels, alleviate symptoms of low testosterone, and facilitate life-changing improvements in physical, mental, and sexual health. With ongoing support and lifestyle guidance, we empower men to reclaim their vitality and unlock their full potential through safe, effective testosterone supplementation.

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